An emerging movement seeking the
             transformation of theological practice
       through the application of mimetic theory.
Lynching, Scapegoating &
Actual Innocence
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
June 4-6, 2013
Sixth Annual Conference
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A gathering for all Christians, theologians, pastors, activists and others, to develop the insights of mimetic anthropology toward the formation of a theology, community and practice of peace.
Dr. Julia Robinson
Dr. Robinson teaches at UNC Charlotte. She uses Girard in her courses, has presented twice at COV&R conferences on the theme of lynching, and is recognized as a significant voice applying mimetic theory in the traumatic area of race in the United States. Her forthcoming book is entitled "Race, Religion, and the Pulpit: The Making of Urban Detroit."
Rev. Paul Nuechterlein
Paul is Senior Pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Portage, Michigan. He has been applying Rene Girard's mimetic theory to scripture since 1992, and in 2000 he launched the website Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary. He has presented numerous workshops on mimetic theory and scripture. Paul is passionate about dismantling racism, especially through the work of Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training.
Christine Mumma teaches at UNC's School of Law and is executive director of the N.C. Center on Actual Innocence (, which coordinates the work of North Carolina law school Innocence Projects. She has championed multiple criminal justice reform initiatives, and reresented several North Carolina citizens who have been exonerated after serving years in prison for crimes they did not commit.
Christine Mumma
Vince Bantu has a ThM in Church History from Princeton Theological Seminary and an MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's Center for Urban Ministerial Education. He and his wife Diana pastor DC Shalom Church, a small, multiethnic fellowship in DC. Vince has been involved in CCDA since 2004, led workshops at several conferences, participated in the Emerging Leaders Cohort and is a founding member and contributing author of CCDA's Theological Committee.
Vince Bantu
Dr. Kelly Douglas
Dr. Kelly Douglas teaches at Goucher College, Maryland. She has published numerous books focusing on the black body experience, and she uses Girard as one of the few white thinkers able to illuminate this experience. Her latest publication, "What's Faith Got To Do With It?: Black Bodies/Christian Souls" explores the black body as the key reality where struggle for black identity, faith and freedom takes place.